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For the first time in at least five years the Northeast Illinois Severe Weather Seminar has returned to Fermilab.  This will take place on Saturday, March 8, 2025 from
8:00 AM - 12:30 PM

If you wish to attend please check out this website to pre-register https://indico.fnal.gov/event/68106/

There is also a flyer posted in the Severe Weather Tab. Its got a Q Code on it you can scan to REGISTER. Do it soon THIS WILL FILL UP QUICKLY - EVENT IS FREE - YOU MUST HAVE A REAL ID TO ENTER THIS GOVERNMENT FACILITY. (See flyer)

For more information email cmulryan@fnal.gov

While all weather radios will report ALL weather warnings broadcasted by the National Weather Service, some Weather Radios come with Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) capability that when programmed with the appropriate Federal Information and Processing Standards (FIPS Code) will set off an alarm for any warnings specific to your area (County).  The NWS weather radios at our repeater sites only alert for events that impact DuPage County.

The FIPS codes for DuPage and
surrounding Counties are:
DuPage 017043
Kane 017089
Kendall 017093
Cook 017031
Will 017197
NWS Reporting Reference
NWS Direct Line: 800-681-2972
NWS EchoLink: Node Number 293451


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